United Pollinator Mixture

United Pollinator Mixture

United Pollinator Mixture creates the perfect habitat to attract a diverse number of pollinators such as butterflies, bees and hummingbirds. This mixture features season-long blooming and with an array of color to attract the maximum amount of pollinators. Mixed with smaller profile native grasses to help give the mixture a more native look and feel as well as a small amount of seed oats for short term erosion control. Use this mixture in urban areas such as parks and common areas as well in larger conservation areas.

Little Bluestem15%
Seed Oats15%
Sideoats Grama15%
Canada Wildrye10%
Mountain Mint5%
Prairie Dropseed5%
Prairie Junegrass5%
Pale Purple Coneflower3.5%
Purple Coneflower3.5%
Purple Prairie Clover3%
Rattlesnake Master2.5%
Lanceleaf Coreopsis2%
Butterfly Milkweed1.5%
Prairie Blazingstar1.5%
Wild Bergamot1.5%
Common Milkweed1%
Foxglove Penstemon1%
Roundheaded Lespedesa1%
Smooth Blue Aster1%
Sky Blue Aster1%
Black-eyed Susan0.8%
Yellow Coneflower0.8%
Great Blue Lobelia0.5%
Ohio Spiderwort0.5%
Partridge Pea0.5%
Showy Goldenrod0.5%
Brown-eyed Susan0.4%
Culvers Root0.3%
Golden Alexanders0.1%


Seeding Rate: 20 lbs per Acre Drill Seeded, 25 lbs per Acre Broadcast Seeded
Seeding Dates: March-May
Dormant Seed: November-February
Germination Time: 7-28 days (as a mix)
